Ideas for projects in the Golden Valley

In line with other environmental groups in Herefordshire, especially the Herefordshire Green Network, we in the Golden Valley are interested in submitting project ideas for funding. There are several new funds available, and we are keen to hear from individuals and groups who have a project idea. GVAG is a registered CIC company with a Bank Account and is eligible to apply for grants. Below, we have started to list ideas and would be happy to add new ideas to the list and discuss developing funding applications. If interested, please get in contact.

Project ideas so far…

  • Golden Valley Credit Union

  • Golden Valley Peoples’ Assembly

  • Research into what can be grown in the Golden Valley

  • How to support farmers’ transition to eco-agriculture?

  • Identify foot paths and green lanes to be registered before 2026

  • Identify lost animals and bird in the GV area and how o save them

  • Electric car points at village halls

  • Solar panel project for village halls and or community energy farms

  • Identify land owners who would allow trees to be planted

  • Research electric/hydrogen cell powered buses for public transport

  • Cycle tracks down the GV from the proposed new railway station at Pontrilas

  • Support opening the train station at Pontrilas

  • Working with Parish Councils looking at the Herefordshire Climate Manifesto for alignment opportunities