GVAG Services

Groups wishing to use GVAG’s facilities and assistance have to be able to demonstrate that their principles and values are in line with GVAG’s priorities and provide services free at the point of delivery.

  1. Supports regenerative environmental actions

  2. Supports the local economy

  3. Support local projects and campaigns

  4. Campaigns to create social wellbeing

  5. Campaigns to oppose harmful environmental development

  6. Campaigns to oppose anti-social development

GVAG is offering free space on their website with a dedicated web page for a group, the use of our bank account, GVAG is a registered company with CIC status that can be used to raise funds and we have a limited range of expertise to help groups form and develop.  This service is available to any individual or group based in the Golden Valley for one-off campaigns or as a community incubator for people starting a new group or organisation.  This service is time limited to 6 months, after which the arrangement will be reviewed and if the group can show they still need to use the resources the time can be extended.  GVAG will, however, assist groups to develop their own resources once they are in a position to form their own independent organisation.